@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008119, author = {内田, 隆信 and 道津, 喜衛}, journal = {長崎大学水産学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University}, month = {Dec}, note = {Nephrops thomsoni Bate (Fig. 1) is usually caught in the East China Sea by trawl net fishing and used as food. The berried female of this species is generally caught during the middle of September to the middle of April of the next year in the East China Sea. In December 1971 and January 1973, some berried female specimens were caught with trawl net operated by the T.S. Nagasaki Maru of Nagasaki University at the fishing ground of sandy mud bottom about 90 meters deep in the East China Sea west off the Danjo Islands (Lat. 32° 03' N., Long. 128° 25' E.), Nagasaki, Japan. The living specimens were kept in an aquarium on the ship and transported to Nagasaki in Dec. '71 and Jan. '73 respectively. Upon arrival in Nagasaki, the specimens were reared in the aquarium of the Fisheries Experimental Station of Nagasaki University, located in Nomozaki near Nagasaki City, in order to obtain the natural conditions for further studies on larva hatching and larval development. Many larvae were hatched after arrival at laboratory. The longest hatching period was noticeably 40 days. The lobster larvae then were reared in the plastic aquarium and fed with nauplii of brine shrimp. The newly hatched larvae (prezoea), being about 6 mm. in body length (Figs. 2, 3), molted into the first zoea stage (Fig. 4) only few hours after hatching. Two successive zoeal ecdyses (Figs. 4, 5) were followed by the megalopa stage (Fig. 6), and this took approximately 4 days after the hatching. And then the megalopa changed into the young adult (Fig. 7) by a single molting. Minor changes of forms and lengths could be observed at every stage. The larva at the zoea stages survived in planktonic life, and began the bottom life at megalopa stage. The larval stage from hatching to megalopa was considerably short, being about 9 days in all. Larval feeding started at the megalopa stage but changing forms and molting of the larvae at the preceding prezoea and zoea stages were done without feeding In comparison of N thomsoni with N. norvegicus, significant difference was noted in the following aspects: 1. Larval stage of N. thomsoni is remarkably short being approximately 9 days while it is said to extend 2 to 3 weeks in N. norvegicus. 2. Hatching of N. thomsoni takes place at the prezoea stage while that of N. norvegicus at the zoea stage., 1) ミナミアカザNephrops thomsoni Bate (Fig. 1)は,東シナ海で以西底曳網によってとられ,食用にされている。2) 東シナ海でとれるミナミアカザでは,その抱卵個体は9月中旬から4月中旬の間にみられる。3) 1971年12月および1973年1月に東シナ海でとれた抱卵えびを,生かしたまま本学部の水産実験所へ運び,そこで飼育して幼生のふ化を行なった。4) ふ化した幼生には,ブラインシュリンプのふ化幼生を餌に与えて飼育した。5) 幼生は,成体によく似た形のプリゾエア(Figs. 2, 3)でふ化し,数時間以内に脱皮しゾエア幼生(Fig. 4)に変態する。ゾエア幼生は2期(Figs. 4, 5)で,2回の脱皮でメガロパ幼生(Fig. 6)になり,メガロパ幼生は1回の脱皮で第1期稚エビ(Fig. 7)に変態した(Table 1)。6) プリゾエアでふ化した幼生は,ふ化後約4日目にはメガロパ幼生に変態するが,脱皮による体形,体長などの変化は小さい。7) 幼生は,ゾエア期の約4日間は游泳生活を送るが,メガロパ期では早くも底生生活を始めた。8) ふ化幼生からメガロパ期までの幼生期間は約9日間で,ひじょうに短い。9) 摂餌を始めるのはメガロパ期からで,それ以前のふ化幼生および2期のゾエア幼生は摂餌をせずに脱皮,変態をおこなった。10) このミナミアカザの幼生を,すでに報告されている同属のN. norvegicusの幼生と比べると,幼生期間はN. norvegicusで2~3週間とされているのに対し,ミナミアカザでは約9日間でひじょうに短いこと,また,幼生はN. norvegicusではゾエアでふ化するとされているが,ミナミアカザではプリゾエアでふ化したことなどの違いがみられた。, 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.36, pp.23-35; 1973}, pages = {23--35}, title = {練習船長崎丸の採集物報告-4 : ミナミアカザ(アカザエビ科)のふ化と幼生飼育}, volume = {36}, year = {1973} }