@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008318, author = {沼口, 克之 and 平山, 和次}, journal = {長崎大学水産学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University}, month = {Aug}, note = {The causes of the outbreak of the red tide in Omura Bay, owing to the bloom of Gymnodinium sp., had been clarified to some extent through the detailed field observation by IIZUKA and IRIE1). However, the physiological respect for the growth of this plankton (referred to as Gymnodinium type-'65) remains almost unknown because of the difficulty in culturing this species in small vessels. As the culture of Gymnodinium type-'65 in small vessel could be performed successfully by the use of WILSON-COLLIER medium, its unialgal culture was used in the present study to investigate experimentally the suitable pH and chlorinity to its growth. The results obtained indicate that Gymnodinium type-'65 is relatively sensitive to the pH change, and the best growth is obtained at pH 7.8, and that it grows so well in the range of Cl 11.0~18.5% being rather euryhaline., 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.33, pp.7-10; 1972}, pages = {7--10}, title = {大村湾赤潮原因種Gymnodinium'65年型種の培養に好適なpHと塩分について}, volume = {33}, year = {1972} }