@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008864, author = {水江, 一弘 and 吉田, 主基}, journal = {長崎大学水産学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University}, month = {Feb}, note = {Grampus griseus were caught in the last decade of July at Miiraku, the first decade of September at Arikawa in 1959 and the last decade of January at Arikawa in, 1961. Authors investigated them and compared to that of North east sea area of Japan. 1) It is clear that the porpoises in summer were the shoal of the parturient migration in consequence of the fetus in uterine cornu of female animals and the stomach contents. 2) It is guessed that the body length of the fetus in this porpoise is 110-120cm at the parturition. 3) The shoal of this porpoise in parturient migration is smaller than the other and that is consisted of 20-30 animals. 4) It is clear that the visitors in winter is the shoal of the feeding migration in consequence of the stomach contents and the length of their fetus. 5) The shoal in the feeding migration is larger than that in the parturient migration, and that is consisted of about 200 animals. 6) This porpoise is presumed to take the selected food, because the squid was always found in their stomach. 7) Their body color is brown black in the rear side but in the ventral side there are three light grey uncertain patterns which sit at the front of the larynx, the breast part between the both pectoral fins and the part of the abdomen respectively. 8) The body color of the female does not almost change with the growth, but in male that increases the white tinge and this tendency is excessive in the head portion. It is due to the white scars by the teeth of the same tribe. 9) The dorsal shape of the head is the half ellipse, and there is a groove on the central line at the front of the blow hole, and lower jaw does not so much draw back as in the other porpoise. 10) The ventral view of the head part is the semicircle form with the apex of papilla. 11) The body length of fetus at the same time shows the narrow size distribution, so it is guessed that the pairing season in nature is short, and it seems that the difference of the body length of fetus in summer and in winter means the growth of the fetus. 12) It is made clear by the result of the measurement of the body external proportion that in this species the head part is smaller, the hind part of body is larger and the caudal fin is very greater than that of North east sea area of Japan. These are the common character on the little toothed whales of this sea area. 13) It is made clear by the result of the measurement of the skull proportion that the difference between the skull of this sea area and that of the North east sea area is not recognized. 14) The tooth in this species exists at the front part of mandible and there is no difference between the both sea areas about the number of tooth. 15) It is guessed that Grampus griseus in this sea area is same species to that of North east sea area but both porpoises are the different races each other., 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.12, pp.45-52; 1962}, pages = {45--52}, title = {九州西方海域産小型歯鯨類の研究―8 : 長崎県の五島で捕獲されたハナゴンドウについて}, volume = {12}, year = {1962} }