@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008995, author = {山田, 鉄雄}, journal = {長崎大学水産学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University}, month = {Jul}, note = {The Jack Mackerel, Trachurus japonicus (TEMMINR et SSHLEGEL) landed at the Nagasaki Fish Market during the years 1954~1959 were classified into several ranks according to their commercial sizes; viz. the big size (more than 350mm~ in total length and more than 400g in body weight), the medium size (240~300mm, 120~240g), the small size (less than 220mm, 110g) and others. From 1954 to 1959, the small size were markedly abundant occupying ca. 80% of the total yield, while the big size were less than 7%. It shows that the small immature ones had been the main constituent of the catch of the Jack Mackerel in the western seas of Kyûsyû, and big matured ones had been escaping from the catch of fishermen by living in certain unknown sea areas. But since 1958 the catch of big size increased rapidly, and in 1959 the percentage of it exceeded 20% of tne total yield. It has been resulted from tne exploitation of new fishing grounds for big Jack Mackerel in the middle part of the East China Sea. This tendency may last some time, but without prudent care about its stock and the fishing efforts, the author is afraid of the overfishing will soon take place and the Jack Mackerel fishing grounds in the East China Sea will be devastated in a few years., 1954年から'59年まで,長崎魚市場水揚のアジの銘柄別数量を仕切書から集計した結果,九州西海でとれるアジの大部分が小型のアジであること(総量の70%を占む),大中小の比率は'57年まではほぼ一定であったこと(大5%,中21%,小74%),'59年に至って大アジの漁獲が著しく増大したことを知った.すなわち九州西海のアジ漁業は,第一期('51年以前の少漁期),第二期('51年~'58年小アジ多獲期)を経て今や第三期('59年大アジ多獲期)にはいったと言える.この第三期はアジ漁業に関する限り最も重要な時期で,漁獲の永続性を望む以上は少なくも筆者の行った程度の漁獲組成の検討を行い,もし少しでも変った兆候がうかがわれたら速かに操業度に規制を加え得る慎重な対策をたてておく必要があろう., 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.9, pp.112-120; 1960}, pages = {112--120}, title = {九州西海・支那東海で漁獲されるマアジの魚体組成}, volume = {9}, year = {1960} }