@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009135, author = {松岡, 數充 and 鄭, 盛允 and 吉田, 誠 and 趙, 賢珍 and 林, 正男 and 丹籐, 尚樹}, journal = {長崎大学水産学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the early spring of 1997, an outbreak of paralytic shellfish poisoning due to ingestion of wild oysters occurred at a coast of Tamanoura Bay in Fukue Island, Goto, west Japan. To clarify causative organisms for this incident, dinoflagellate cysts were examined in surface sediments collected from 12 stations of Tamanoura Bay, Kishuku Bay and Togi Bay of Fukue Island. More than 18 genera including 32 species of dinoflagellate cysts were identified and cyst densities in these samples ranged from 442 (GKS-st. 1) -2070 (GTU-st. 6) cells/ml. A small amount of living cysts of Gymnodinium catenatum, and probable cysts of Alexandrium catenella/tamarense, A. andersonii, and A. minutum were also found. In the plankton sample collected from the same stations of the sediment samples in Tamanoura Bay after the incident, A. andersonii was most dominated, but any of A. catenella, A. tamarense or G. catenatum was not observed. Based on these evidences, either A. andersonii or G. catenatum was pointed out to be causative species for this PSP incident., 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, 81, pp.55-62; 2000}, pages = {55--62}, title = {西九州五島列島福江島沿岸海域表層堆積物中の有毒・有毒渦鞭毛藻シスト}, volume = {81}, year = {2000} }