@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009420, author = {呉, 慶雄 and 高橋, 和雄 and 岡林, 隆敏 and 中村, 聖三}, journal = {構造工学論文集}, month = {Mar}, note = {For a purpose to calculate the local vibrations of the stay cables in cable-stayed bridge under wind-induced gust, the time-domain modeling of wind-induced vibration is employed in this paper. The global vibration of bridge deck due to the Wind-induced gust response is calculated by using the rational function and multidimensional autoregressive process. The local vibrations of stay cables, which are subjected to time-varying displacement at the supports during global motions, are used. Furthermore, the response characteristics of local vibrations of stay cables under wind are discussed by using an existing cable-stayed bridge., 構造工学論文集, 48A, pp.349-358; 2002}, pages = {349--358}, title = {ガスト応答による実斜張橋の支持ケーブルの局部振動解析}, volume = {48A}, year = {2002} }