@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009622, author = {Shibata, Keishi and Gunawan, Andreas and Takayama, Hisaaki and Flores, Efren}, journal = {長崎大学水産学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {A series of measuremental and cataloguing surveys was undertaken on the indigenous coastal fishing crafts in selected villages of Manado, Ujung Pandang and Kendari around Sulawesi of Indonesia, and Aparri of northern Luzon of the Philippines from July 2-26, 1986. The beach conditions of the villages surveyed were of gradual sand slope which is ideal for beach landing of small fishing crafts. The three types of fishing craft surveyed are a) dugout canoe made of whole log, b) semi-dugout crafts constructed with additional plankings above the dugout part, and c) planking craft consisting of keel, stem and stern post, and multiple plankings. Detailed description of the outrigger canoe is presented with emphasis on construction as this type is most common in the areas surveyed. The outrigger is attached to a dugout canoe or a semi-dugout to improve the stability of the craft. The outrigger is composed of a holding boom made of either bamboo or wood attached to the hull. A craft may have an outrigger on one side (single outrigger) or on both sides (double outrigger). According to Nooteboom, the double outrigger canoe was dominant in Indonesia and the Philippines. While, during this survey, the double rigger was dominant in Manado and Aparri, however, it was observed that in Laelae I., Ujung Pandang, the single outrigger canoe was common, while in Bakori, Kendari, only the simple dugout was found. The shift from double outrigger to single outrigger may have been caused by the introduction of the cast net in this area (A. Masengi, personal communication, 1986). The motion of the single outrigger canoe has been throughly investigated by Matsuoka of Papua New Guinea University., 東南アジアの沿岸漁船の現状を把握し,その将来像を探求するため,1986年7月,インドネシア共和国スラウエッシ島周辺のマナド,ウジュンパンダンとケンダリならびに,フィリッピン共和国,ルソン島北端のアパリ,同南端に近いアルバイにおける六つの漁村において,在来型沿岸漁船の各部計測と船型計測をおこなった。これらの地域では,豊富な森林資源に恵まれていることもあって,その沿岸漁船は,構造的には総て在来型の丸木舟あるいは,これをベースにした準構造船であり,ケンダリを除く地域では,殆ど双アウトリガー・カヌーが用いられている。中でも既に報告したアパリ縫合船のほか,船体下方両端に象牙状の吻を持つマナドのカヌー,ウジュン・パンダンのみで,単にアウトリガー舟,およびクォーター・ラダー,そしてケンダリではバジョ一族の家船など極めて,地域性が高い船型あるいは構造を実見することができた。また,今回調査を行なった範囲では,クラスター分析の結果から,これらの漁船は可成り相似の船型を持っているが地域毎に固有の形状構造を持つことも確かである。しかし,近年,近代的な漁法,あるいは,船用機関が導入されつつあり,また,周辺の森林資源が減少し船材供給が困難になったため,その漁船の舶型も変化しようとしている。, 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.63, pp.35-54; 1988}, pages = {35--54}, title = {Comparative studies on indigenous fishing crafts in selected areas in Sulawesi and Aparri of northern Luzon}, volume = {63}, year = {1988} }