@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009661, author = {赤枝, 宏 and 谷口, 忠敬}, journal = {長崎大学水産学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {Sporulation ability of Clostridium perfringens NCTC 8798 which was cultured in the seafood meat media or domestic animal meat media with gall powder were compared with the sporulation ability when gall powder free media were used. The ratio of the sporulation ability when the media containing 1~5% gall powder were used to the ability when the gall powder free media were used are as follows. In the case of red fresh fish meat media, the ratios on mackerel-, sardine-, tuna-, saurel-, and skipjuck-medium were high value in 1.2-1.9. In the case of white fresh fish meat, the ratios on flatfish-, shark-, and lizardfish-medium were high value in 1.3-1.9 but the ratios on wrasse-, croaker-, sand-borer-, sea-bream-,and ray medium were low value in 1.0-1.4. In the case of shellfish meat, the ratios on short-necked-clam-, shrimp-, and top-shell-medium were high value in 1.3~1.9 but the ratios on oyster meat medium were 0.8~1.3. The ratios on chuck-, rib-, ham-, porker- heart-, bacon-, chicken-liver-, and chicken-breast-medium and cooked meat medium (Difco) were high value in 1.1~1.9 but the ratios on chicken white meat were 0.9~1.4. The ratios on cattle-liver-, porker-liver-, and whale-lean-meat-medium were low value in 0.3-1.0., 胆汁末を1~5%添加した29種類の肉培地で培養したウェルシュ菌(NCTC 8798)の,胞子形成能力を胆汁末無添加の場合と比較検討した。1) 魚介類肉培地の場合,胆汁末無添加の胞子形成能力に対する胆汁末添加の能力の比は,赤身魚ではサバで1.6~1.9,イワシで1.5~1.8,マグロで1.3~1.6,アジで1.2~1.5,カツオで1.4~1.5と高かった。白身魚では,カレイで1.7~1.9,サメで1.3~1.8,エソで1.3~1.6と高かったのを除いて,ベラで1.2~1.3,グチで1.1~1.4,キスで1.0~1.2,タイで1.1~1.2,エイで1.0~1.2と赤身魚に比べて低い傾向を示した。貝・エビ類では,アサリで1.8~1.9,小エビで1.2~1.7,サザエで1.3~1.6と高く,カキで0.8~1.3であった。2) 食肉類肉培地の場合,胆汁末無添加の胞子形成能力に対する胆汁末添加の能力の比は,クックドミート培地で1.4~1.8,牛肩で1.1~1.9,牛リブで1.0~1.8,豚モモで1.5~1.9,豚心臓で1.3~1.9,豚バラで1.3~1.9,鶏肝臓で1.5~1.9,鶏胸で1.4~1.6と高く,鶏ササミで0.9~1.4と大差なく,牛肝臓で0.8~1.0,豚肝臓で0.6~0.7,鯨赤肉で0.3~0.9と低かった。, 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.61, pp.23-28; 1987}, pages = {23--28}, title = {胆汁末を添加した各種魚介肉・食肉培地で培養したウェルシュ菌の胞子形成能力}, volume = {61}, year = {1987} }