@inproceedings{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009677, author = {西田, 英明 and 籔, 凞}, book = {長崎大学水産学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University}, month = {Nov}, note = {The seminal glands and the gill tissues in the males of rainbow runner, Elagastis bipinnulatus (Quoy et Gaimard) were observed cytologically. The chromosome number was estimated as 2n=48 in the spermatogonia and in the gill tissues. The chromosome complements in the gill tissues showed to have 48 acrocentrics, consisting of 2 relatively large cuneiform and 46 small dumbbell-shaped elements. In some parts of the seminal glands most of nuclei at metaphase I in the spermatocytes exhibited the presence of a precocious chromosome towards one or both poles. The chromosome bridge was frequently visible at the anaphase I & II., アジ科に属する種類では現在までに次の6種について染色体数が報告されている。イトヒキァジAlectis ciliaris 2n=48 (MUROFUSHI & YOSHIDA, 1979) カイワリCaranx equula 2n=48 (MUROFUSHI & Yoshida. 1979) ギンガメアジC. sexfasciatus 2n=48 ( MUROFUSHI & YOSHIDA. 1978) カイワリ属の1種C. sansum 2n=48 (PATRO & PRASAD, 1978) ブリSeriola quinqueradiata 2n=48 (MUROFUSHI, FUJIWARA & FUJINO, 1978) マアジTrachurus japonicus 2n=48 (MUROFUSHI & YOSHIDA, 1979)筆者らの観察では今回ツムブリも上記の種類と同じく2n=48の染色体を有することが確かめられた。, 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.60, pp.37-40; 1986}, pages = {37--40}, publisher = {長崎大学水産学部}, title = {ツムブリについて二三の細胞学的観察}, volume = {60}, year = {1986} }