@article{oai:nagasaki-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009685, author = {Senta, Tetsushi and Kinoshita, Izumi and Kitamura, Tadaichi}, journal = {長崎大学水産学部研究報告, Bulletin of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University}, month = {Mar}, note = {A total of 646 larval and 6 adult ishikawa icefish were collected in surf zones on the Pacific coast of central Honshu in late June 1984. Much more advanced origin of the anal fin and the existence of two distinct black spots at the caudal fin base differentiate the larval ishikawa icefish from the larval common icefish, Salangichthys microdon. The larvae, 17.4-34.8mm, occurred more often in the eastern half of the coast line surveyed, while the largest number per haul of the larvae was obtained at the beach just outside Lake Hamana. Salinities at the beaches where any number of the larvae were collected ranged from 19.7 to 33.5‰. The six adult fish collected were all females with mature eggs, suggesting a prolonged spawning of the fish., 1984年6月下旬に,本州中部の太平洋岸20箇所の砂浜海岸の波打際近くで,小型引網による採集をおこない,7箇所の海岸から合計646個体のイシカワシラウオ仔魚(17.4~34.8mm TL)を得た。本種の仔魚は尾鰭基部の上下に各1個の顕著な黒点を有し,背鰭軟条のうち後方の5~8条が臀鰭上方に位置することにより,シラウオ仔魚(尾鰭基部に黒点なく,臀鰭起部は最後の背鰭条下またはより後方にある)と識別できる。仔魚は調査域の東半分―浜名湖入り口~房総半島―でより頻繁に採集された。本種の漁場の分布から考えて,本州北部の太平洋岸の砕波帯でも本種仔魚が出現することは確実である。1箇所の海岸からは熟卵をもった雌成魚6個体が採集され,産卵期が長いことを示唆した。, 長崎大学水産学部研究報告, v.59, pp.29-34; 1986}, pages = {29--34}, title = {Larval Ishikawa Icefish, Salangichthys ishikawae from Surf Zones of Central Honshu, Japan}, volume = {59}, year = {1986} }